UPSS System maintenance
Sourced from 14/11/2013
Details about maintenance of the UPSS must be documented in the EPP.
Under clause 20 of the UPSS Regulation, a storage system must not be used unless all gauges, indicators, probes, sensors and any other measuring instruments in the system are checked and maintained (and where necessary calibrated) in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and/or the maintenance. All data produced by these measuring instruments should be recorded in a format that is suitable for the intended end use (refer to Section 4.7 for record-keeping requirements).
All data produced by any measuring instruments of a UPSS must be retained by the person responsible for at least seven years from when the data was produced, in accordance with clause 25 of the Regulation.
Where the person responsible changes (such as through sale, transfer of ownership of the site or business or contractual changes), all documents must be transferred to the new person responsible, in accordance with clause 27 of the Regulation and the EPP retained onsite.